Hyperfocus in adhd
Hyperfocus in adhd

hyperfocus in adhd

That’s an incred­i­ble descrip­tion of self-destruc­tive ADHD behavior.

hyperfocus in adhd

The arti­cle’s author, Jon Westenberg, argues that the behav­ior described above is prob­lem­atic because sleep is so important.īut I read it and thought to myself: Wow. I promise it won’t be hard if you’re doing what you love more… if you’ve got kids), so learn to love work­ing dur­ing those predawn hours. If you already have a full-time job, you can get a lot done between 7:00 P.M. So quit whin­ing, quit cry­ing, quit with the excuses. Here’s the deal: if you want it badly enough, the money is there, the suc­cess is there, and the ful­fill­ment is there. The arti­cle on Medium, “ Gary Vaynerchuk is Trying to Kill You,” is a reac­tion to a state­ment from Vaynerchuk, from his book, Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion: So my reac­tions here aren’t so much to him, since I don’t really know any­thing about him, his world­view, or the advice he gives peo­ple about busi­ness, work, and success. I don’t think I’d ever heard of “ Gary Vee” before read­ing the arti­cle, and every­thing I know about him is from the reading/Googling I did after read­ing it.

hyperfocus in adhd

Though it was­n’t writ­ten about ADHD at all, I read it through that lens. This all occurred to me when an arti­cle crit­i­cal of Gary Vaynerchuk’s philoso­phies on work appeared in my Medium feed. Also, though I’m not inter­ested in turn­ing this space into a stand-in for ther­apy, it’s clear that there’s a poten­tial for per­sonal ben­e­fit in pro­cess­ing my own thoughts and strug­gles in writing. There’s a part of me that always thought shar­ing more would be ben­e­fi­cial, since there’s so much mis­in­for­ma­tion out there, and the only way to help peo­ple under­stand is to actu­ally help them under­stand. I’ve men­tioned my ADHD here before, but I’ve been reluc­tant to share any­thing par­tic­u­larly spe­cific or per­sonal about it because, well, I’ve kind of felt like it was no one else’s business. Though it’s some­times called a “super­power,” hyper­fo­cus is a clas­sic chal­lenge for adults with ADHD, and it’s par­tic­u­larly prob­lem­atic when it’s detri­men­tal to sleep.

Hyperfocus in adhd